Jay H. Guttmann, CPA


Jay started his career at PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Legg Mason & BDO Seidman where he worked in various departments, mainly financial services. He has been serving clients in accounting, tax & auditing at various Fortune 500 companies as well as local businesses and organizations. Jay is a graduate of Sy Syms School of Business where he was actively involved in student life on campus. He held various positions in the school including class president, Business school treasurer and Head Resident Advisor. Jay was a certified EMT in the US & Israel, but is currently a non-active member.

Jay specializes and devotes a substantial amount of his time consulting and planning with clients in the real estate and not-for profit industry. Jay is also lead in the firms New Business Formation and the Credits & Incentives programs. He provides tax and consulting advice to many of the firm's individual and small business clients as well as works on the firms financial statement audits, Part time CFO program, and estate and trust issues.

Recently, Jay started the firms “SOS! Second Opinion Services”, a complimentary consultation program in which business and individuals can have their returns reviewed. This program has benefited countless new clients saving them thousands of dollars.

Jay is a licensed CPA in the State of New York and New Jersey.